it looks like we will head up to the ice on wednesday at some stage weather permitting. we go up in an antonov cargo plane (Russian) i think it might have seats but not sure! Its engines are on top of the wings and its designed on land on ice, lucky that........ we pile ourselves our sledges or pulks as they are professionally known on to the plane and fly for three hours up to barneo the ice camp, no in flight movie, seats or cocktails how will i manage? we have started packing up our sledges we put our own clothes food and stuff in individual water proof bags and load them up, then I have a tent, fuel, a stove and a shovel not sure how much it weighs but it felt heavy today during our practice run, it is not like pulling a tyre really not! its quite different a bit more jerky.
the gear we have is really really brilliant very warm and tons of it. we can't expose any skin at all up there or we risk frostbite.
we had a ski today for 15 kms which went well the others then descended into an ice cave which I didn't fancy. did another tent erection practice we are getting good!
prince harry leaves this evening for barneo they have been delayed nearly a week. I spotted him yesterday.
thanks for following! will update in the morning.
go Johnny go. we are all very proud of you. good luck. I wouldn't go down the cave either!!! lots of love Tim xx