Saturday, 16 April 2011

part 4 first camp.

as its permanent bright daylight we didn't stop until about 1 am and this was our first camp. the first impressions of the arctic are the vast vast wilderness of ice huge piles of ice rubble making weird shapes like sculptures, i spent a lot of our eight or nine hour pulls over the coming days imagining the ice rubble turning into anything from sculpture in the rodin museum to ludlow castle to forests or ghats by the ganges you name it pork pies mermaids huge breasts pyramids they were all there in this spectacular. scenery

my other abiding memory is of the noise the ice made as we headed over it, it squeaked squealed groaned and crackled all the time, sometimes it sounded like skating on a village pond other times no noise except the sliding skis friction against the snowy

ice and the low rumble of my sledge tripping along behind me....

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