Sunday, 3 April 2011

polar bears and ski doos

alan chambers our guide photographed on this blog with gun has to carry a gun when we sally forth out of town on skis in case we get attacked by a polar bear its a big risk here, the other one is getting hit by people on skidoos which are really just snowy jet skis, some are driven sedately by groups and other really souped up ones hurtle past, it looks quite fun. Its pretty much the best way to get around here in Nybyen where we are staying on spitsbergen.


  1. Dear Johnny
    So good to talk to you just now, you are such a hero and we are all willing you on.
    Hope the delays improve.
    Masses of love
    Ruth xxxx

  2. im thinking you guys are gonna need a skidoo at the house, you get enough snow to justify it I think... Happy base camping!!! ness x

  3. Never one to miss a shopping opportunity!! A man after my heart! Hope the weather improves soon so you can get going! Thinking of you big xxxxx
